This is the story of a passionate woman who pursued her dreams in an epic tale called Montague & Capulet; a true love story...perhaps the most famous love story of all time! From a very young age, Tiffany sought adventure & entrepreneurial success, a restless want & desire for more. This desire could not be caged so Tiffany hopped on a plane from her small-town in Louisiana & ultimately settled in a very enchanting place...Los Angeles!
As fate may have it, Tiffany met another beautiful restless soul, Lauren as she had also packed her bags from the distant land of South Africa. They filled their days with endless talk of Romeos & the value of great bed sheets! Montague & Capulet was born. Lauren & Tiffany soon were traveling the world in search of exquisite silks & cottons. They began studying textiles both day & night. Soon enough they had designed bed linens that expressed their individual style & heartfelt passions!
Along their journey, Lauren met her own Romeo & set off to her next exciting conquer as Tiffany sailed on. With her Mantra on her lips, & fabulous product in hand, she aims to inspire love in the face of adversity & bring back brilliant sleep beyond the pages of a storybook fairytale...
Our story urges you to wake up every day & write your own fairytale story, but at bedtime, we invite you to sleep in ours!
And She Lived Happily Ever After...